Motorcycle, Jet Ski and Boat Monitoring
According to The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), there were approximately 14 watercraft thefts per day, 97 per week, or 421 per month in 2016. Most thefts occurred during the spring and summer months with July recording the highest number with 612. February recorded the fewest with 251.
NICB, also says that motorcycle thefts have jumped 6% in 2016 over the prior year. According to their research, 45,555 motorcycles were reported stolen in 2016 compared with 42,856 in 2015.
There are variety of systems on the market today but nothing that offers the same level of protection for the cost benefit. MotoMon tracking applications offers an enhanced level of security that can be accessed anytime, and anywhere you have cell phone coverage.
MotoMon’s tracking application combined with the best GPS tracking devices give you an ideal solution for monitoring your favorite water craft and motorcycle. Within seconds of your boat, Jet Ski or motorcycle being towed, ignition being switched on , leaving preset geofence, or even the battery running low, the device records an alarm. The application receives the alarm and acts on instantly, triggering email, code to central monitoring station, or text message to a mobile phone.
Here are some benefits
- Ensure high level of Security and Safety for Jet Ski rider in the middle of sea.
- A panic button is available in case of emergency to help identify the location of the rider wherever he/she might be.
- Electronic fences can be set to notify the operational center if a Jet Ski approached/departs from a restricted area.
- The history of any Jet Ski activity is recorded and can be retrieved for future data.

- Compact and Waterproof Device.
- Uses the Jet Ski main power source with 12 Volt battery.
- Backup battery for periods without power.
- Hours of operating time monitoring. Reporting Jet Ski location, speed, Geo-fence activity.
- Capability to retrieve the history of any Jet Ski activity.
- 24/7 Vehicle tracking & control.
- Remote engine immobilization and power down.
- Street level visibility anywhere in the world.
- Installation time is approximately 30 min to 1 hour.
- Reduce insurance premiums.