Below you will find answers to most questions regarding GPS Tracking System services and solutions.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a group of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites, of which 24 are in operation and three extras in case any fail. When people talk about “GPS,” they usually are referring to a GPS receiver. The U.S. military developed and implemented this satellite network as a military navigation system but now lets everyone use the signals free of charge.
A common misconception among most people is how GPS works. GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites should not be confused with communication satellites used for wireless communications. They are two completely separate satellite networks. All of our systems use GPS satellites for location purposes. Our online systems then use various wireless networks to communicate the location data to our servers so our customers can use built in vehicle tracking GPS to locate the vehicles/assets in real-time or historically.
Our systems are easy to install. Simply hook up a ground, constant power wire, and a power wire that turns on and off with the ignition, mount the GPS antenna, and the system is ready to go. GPS and GSM antennas can be installed hidden under the plastic covering of a car’s dashboard. You can also choose to have the system professionally installed by any one of our installation specialists located in every part of the United States and Canada.
Yes, some of MotoMon’s hardware [HW] has an motion sensor built in. But we prefer to use it for different functions as the number of problems with motion detected trips is much greater than the benefits.
Some examples – if you use motion detection instead of detecting the beginning of a trip with the ignition wire, you are not getting time and place information about when and where the car was when it started or turned off its engine or began and ended a trip. The information is much more accurate and detailed when you do this with a simple ignition wire installation. If the vehicle does a lot of short trips, and stops for only a minute or two in between trips, then the motion sensor will display this as one long trip. With the ignition wire installation you will see it displayed as individual trips.
Also, if the motion sensor is too sensitive you can get false readings as if the vehicle has begun to move. This can happen when the vehicle is parked and a large truck drives by or someone bumps the car.
Of course! MotoMon hardware can do the following:
- Track the vehicle’s ignition on and off.
- Connect a switch to select the type of trip made, business or private personal use.
- Unlock your doors, flash the lights, and honk the horn.
- Disable the ignition or start the ignition.
- You can listen in on conversations inside the vehicle or talk with the driver.
It can control anything with a switch, anything!
Yes. We have a network of installation specialists in every part of the U.S. should you decide to use a professional.
Our professional consultants look forward to assisting you in selecting the right system for you and your company. We will work with you to customize most applications to best suit your individual needs. Please email us at info@motomon.com for further information.
Yes. Our units are quite small and are often installed under the dashboard including hidden GPS and GSM antennas.
In short – it’s very precise and detailed. Contrary to other GPS tracking system, Motomon’s HW is smart. Which means, it does not have fixed time intervals or distance in which the data tracking samples are transmitted. It continuously evaluates the motion of the asset and depending on speed, distance and direction it decides when to send the data sample to our servers. As a result, the tracks being projected to the maps are far more precise and tightly follow the road as it is being driven. MotoMon does this far better than any common device currently on the market.
Again MotoMon does it better than the competition! To keep your data charges low, tracking information is being transmitted one time in 5 eventually catching up on time after 10 minutes. This is all done with out compromising accuracy of tracking. In addition to keeping you well informed about the beginning and end of each trip – positioning data is uploaded to the server every time the ignition is switched on or off.
The moment any of our clients start to view and track an asset in Real-Time our server informs the tracking device that it is being watched closely and it instantly starts to communicate position data in 30 second intervals.
Unfortunately, there is not an easy answer to this question. The amount of data being transmitted depends on the type of MotoMon hardware, how much a particular asset moves, its speed, number of trips and so on. Generally this is under 2.5MB / Month.
NO! All MotoMon tracking hardware has build in FLASH storage. The unit memory can store several weeks of tracking information. All the stored data is then transmitted to our servers when the GSM signal in restored.
Our “On-Line” system utilizes wireless GSM networks to allow you to receive information and view the location of your asset in virtual, or near real-time. On-Line GPS vehicle tracking systems are becoming a standardized tool for companies or individuals who wish to use a GPS locator device for tracking fleet vehicles as well as tracking all mobile vehicles or assets. Features of On-Line GPS systems include real-time, geo-zone fencing alerts (entry and/or exit), speeding alerts, movement alerts after hours on weekends, SMS messaging and more.
Passive systems are typically limited to only vehicle-tracking applications. When a passive system is installed in a vehicle, the location data is stored in built-in memory and downloaded from the vehicle at the end of the day or when the vehicle returns to the yard. Passive systems are often recommended for companies who do not have a need to view vehicles in real-time and are generally a little bit cheaper. But they lack many of the significant functions and features.
Many companies recognize the value of tracking their vehicle assets and employees. One affordable solution is using a cell phone GPS tracking system which appears to offer the cheapest way to start tracking your employees and your fleet. To the buyer who is uneducated with GPS equipment, GPS phones seem to be an easy way to begin reaping the benefits of GPS tracking, but as the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” These types of systems are second rate for the following reasons:
- Driver Tampering
- High battery consumption makes uninterrupted tracking very difficult and demands that you constantly re-charge the battery
- Incomplete Reporting if battery is removed
- If Coverage is to GSM is lost so is tracking
We have heard several complaints over and over from companies who have tried using GPS phones to track their vehicles and employees. Some of our customers first tried using GPS cell phones; they eventually began to realize the downsides of the phone tracking solution versus the hard-wired GPS tracking that Motomon offers. Before you even consider trying a GPS enabled phone as your tracking solution, take a moment to make some comparisons.
Tampering: The main problem with the GPS phones is that the drivers can simply turn it off either the java applet running the GPS software on the phone or the phone itself. There are message boards throughout the Internet where crafty employees are spreading the knowledge on how to disable the GPS phone without being detected. Going into basements or using a metal wrap around the phone, or placing it in a tool box will make it appear as if the phone is malfunctioning or has merely “lost signal”. With a GPS phone tracking system you have to rely on the person responsible for carrying the phone.
The best way to ensure proper reporting is to take these factors out of the equation completely. By using a hard-wired vehicle tracking system that is installed discreetly in the vehicle, driver interaction is no longer necessary. The units are always on and always tracking.
Battery Life: When the GPS tracking is added to the phone, the battery consumption is increased by over 50%. This means the GPS phone will not last an entire work day without requiring at least one re-charge. This is often used as an the person carrying the phone can use if he/she does not want to be tracked.
Reporting: The difference in reporting is another area where the phone system is weak. Although the GPS cell phones can usually report on 3-15 minute intervals like their dedicated counterparts, the fact that a GPS signal can be lost so easily, dramatically affects the Start-Stop reporting. Business owners rely on accurate reports so they can feel confident when comparing their employee time sheets against the GPS software report. Using a system that is only accurate 50% of the time only leads to doubt on the employers end. Like the saying goes, “Garbage in, Garbage out”! Can you afford to be right or wrong 50% of the time? Hard-wired GPS systems remove this uncertainty. Because they are “always on” and have the best ability to maintain a GPS lock with the satellites, the reports a manager looks at are always 99% accurate.
Coverage/Cost: GPS phones require generally a minimum monthly voice plan of $39.00 plus a minimum monthly data plan of $9.99. When you add the monthly tracking services, you are easily into the $60.00+ range on monthly services, and that is with minimal usage. Our hard wired systems transmit very little amounts of data so the cost is much lower.
In conclusion, companies who use a GPS phone for tracking vehicles/employees invariably run in to the same critical performance problems that can only be overcome by installing one of MotoMon’s online GPS tracking systems.
We hope to help educate the buyer in order to help you avoid the hassle of purchasing something that will be a waste of time and money. If you are interested in learning more about our GPS tracking systems please feel free to contact us using our web form or give us a call. We currently sell several proven GPS systems for companies with one truck or thousands in their fleet all around the world, as well as personal trackers and we will help you select the system that is right for your company.
Now you can On-Fly switch between: English/US, English/GB, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Italian, and Polish.
Map coverage changes every year, as new maps are published by our map data suppliers. MotoMon licenses map data from Google and Teleatlas.
You can use IE6-8, Firefox 2.X, Firefox 3.X, Safari, Iphone.
You do not need MS Windows, the important part is the browser and online access.
It works the same with Windows, Linux or Mac. Most of the functionality is also available on Windows CE devices or iPhone.
Our mission is to listen to our customer’s needs, educate our customer on GPS tracking technology and to provide our customers with the most reliable, easy to use, cost effective GPS tracking systems available based on our customer’s needs and budget all while providing our customers with the best customer service possible. If our prospective customer is truly educated on the technology that makes up a GPS tracking system, then they will find our products and pricing to be the best value for their investment.
John Moder & Ivo Prikryl
There is more than meets the eye regarding the technology that makes up a GPS vehicle tracking system. Most companies who are shopping for a GPS tracking system are not familiar with the behind the scenes technology that is the backbone to the performance of the system. We have several customers who bought systems from our “competitors” based on price alone and were sorry in the end. Don’t make the same mistake, contact MotoMon first.
When implementing technology into your company, it is important to remember this truism:
There is a price to purchase, and a cost to own, and if you purchase the wrong product, the cost to own will exceed the purchase price several times over.
When shopping for an On-Line GPS tracking system, there are several components that need to be carefully examined:
- The vendor – purchase from a reputable vendor who develops and maintains the software themselves. Are they passionate about their product? We are!
- Software used – Examine the software that the end-user will be running to track and report on vehicle/asset activity, is the software evolving or stagnate?
- Customizing the software – can the vendor customize their software to best suit your individual needs, will they charge you extra?
- Wireless Network – What is available and what are the different rates, what best suits your GPS tracking needs?
- Hardware Component – How does the tracking look, is it accurately following the roads, does it control the inputs you need to control?
- Unlimited Use – Go for a flat monthly fee. Use it, use it a lot. Check for hidden charges and surcharges. Examine the Polling rate and Monthly Billing Fees.
- Ask about the Maps – Check if maps used are detailed enough for your tracking areas, are your maps the latest and greatest versions?
- Multi language – Do you need more than just English? What languages are available?
Examine the Company you are considering as your vendor.
The Internet Service Providers do not screen a company’s qualifications or concern with providing a quality service. Many vendors are simply re-sellers and cannot provide a quality product. These systems are out-dated and operate on out-dated software. Most GPS vendors selling products over the Internet can hardly even operate it themselves! Take the time learn about your vendor.
The reputable companies generally will react quickly to your inquiry, provide you with a demonstration of systems available or give a demo access, provide references, offer multiple products to review and display their customers on their web site. At MotoMon, we allow you to view our product demonstrations online. We are proud of our distinguished list of customers, and we promote many of them on our web site: www.auto-gps.eu
Wireless Networks – GO GSM/GPRS
For On-Line GPS tracking, the wireless network is used to communicate the stored GPS data from the vehicle/asset, so location, speed and stop times can be viewed live in real-time. Think in terms of how mobile phones work. There are two types used: Digital Cellular, and Satellite. Obviously, digital cellular is more popular due to cost. This is the same with communicating On-Line GPS data for vehicle tracking.
Wireless Networks: Cellular vs. Satellite
- Digital cellular hardware is less expensive
- Digital cellular monthly service fees are less expensive
- Digital cellular offers superior network reliability
A digital cellular-based system is the best way to go for the vast majority of companies that want to use a real-time system for nearly any type of tracking.
Digital Wireless Networks
If you are looking to purchase a MotoMon GPS tracking system, then you should be looking for a system that operates on a GSM/GPRS digital wireless network. All of the 1st tier wireless communication companies in the U.S. market have moved to digital wireless networks. There are two types of digital wireless protocols that the major communication companies have utilized for the build-out of their wireless networks
Satellite Wireless Communications
Should only be used when worldwide or 100% coverage is an essential customer requirement, then usage of satellite communication is justified.
Web-based Client Software
A demonstration of any GPS system should show the software and reporting capabilities. The web hosted software interface determines the mapping and reporting features that the system offers as well as the overall end user experience and functionality. The software and the ability to adapt and customize it to suit your company’s needs are paramount.
The hardware is the actual GPS unit and antennas (GPS/GSM) that are mounted inside or outside of the vehicle. Most GPS units contain GPS, CPU, memory buffer and a wireless communication parts. All of our tracking hardware also has built in FLASH memory for storing tracking data when GSM coverage is not available.
Communication intervals & Monthly Fees
All On-Line systems have a monthly fee. In our case the monthly fee covers the unlimited usage of web tracking and reporting software, map data licenses and customization, technical support and data storage dating back 2 years at no additional costs. Data communication fee depends on the Wireless Provider of the customer’s choice and is to be paid directly to them.
Check with your CPA and ask if your GPS fleet equipment purchase qualifies your business for a Section 179 tax deduction. Section 179 allows you to deduct from your taxable income, the full amount of equipment purchases (up to $250,000.00) for 2008. The equipment purchased must be installed during the calendar year from January 1, 2008 to Dec. 31, 2008.
For example, a $10,000 purchase of equipment would ultimately cost your business $6,500.00, assuming you had taxable income to deduct and were in the 35% tax bracket.
- Equipment Cost: $10,000.00
- Total First Year Deduction: $10,000.00
- Cash Savings on your Equipment Purchase: $3,500.00
- Actual Lowered Equipment Cost: $6,500.00
Contact your CPA or tax professional and see if your purchase will qualify for the Section 179 deduction.
In the Real-Time tracking mode data comes into the servers as quick as every 5 -10 seconds.
Basic vehicle/asset installation is 3 wires, ground, constant power, and power that goes on/off with the ignition. We also have portable devices like the SmartBox, which do not require any installation and can run for 6-18 months or OBD devices which simply plug into the vehicle’s OBDII port plug.
There is no maintenance required. Once the GPS tracking device is installed you are ready to go.
When cargo goes into a trailer you likely will lose GPS signal but with MotoMon’s GSM Localization you can continue to track your asset going down the road.
You have access to almost 100 reports. If for any reason you need a customized report we will work with you and create it. We can easily do this as we are the creators of the tracking platform, not a re-seller.
Yes, we continually upgrade and monitor our web-based software to ensure the highest level of service and features available in the industry.